This is a unique meditation program that allows you to begin experiencing the  peace, quiet and stillness that comes from meditation in a very easy, natural, and step-by-step process. 


Expand Your Capacity for Presence, Peace, Focus & Mindfulness

In this self-guided program you get to begin your meditation journey in an easy and gradual way. 

Find a place of peace and grounding, REGARDLESS of what is going on around you. 

Say goodbye to excuses and begin your meditation practice with support and a step by step process. 

You receive a meditation each week for you to practice for the week. 

You receive a new one the following week. 

Each builds on each other in a simple and gradual way.

Increase Focus & Presence

Meditation provides the training and consistency required to increase your focus, attention and concentration that also enhances your ability to be present to what is happening right now. Increased practice leads to greater benefits. 

Regulate Emotion Effectively

Research has shown that consistent meditators have increased ability to regulate their emotions and reactions, as they have learned to "observe" their reactions without judgment, and create enough lag time to choose their responses. 

Increase Creativity & Productivity

Meditation practice is proven to increase your brain's capacity through neuroplasticity. The ability of the brain to grow and re-shape itself. This increases your working memory capacity and as such your productivity, performance and creativity increase the more you practice and the more consistent you are with your practices!

Benefits of Meditation

Research has shown that meditation has many beneficial outcomes.

We have discussed the top ones above, but meditation can also help you:

  • Decrease and manage stress in the most natural way. 
  • Boost your Immune System
  • It can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and decrease inflammatory responses in the body. 
  • It will connect you to yourself & your intuition. 
  • Help you become more resilient & resourceful. 
  • Find more grounding, peace and harmony in your life. 

Investment Options:

You can choose which option is best suited for you. We have created a monthly option that allows you to spread the cost over the 6 months of the program, yet it is a 6-month commitment. 

Most Popular

Best Value


JUST ONCE. Save $45!

Access to Private Platform

Easy & Quick Instruction

New Meditation Each Week

Delivered to your inbox

For 6 months!

Total of 24 meditations plus a few bonuses





Access to Private Platform

Easy & Quick Instructions

New Meditation Each Week

Delivered to your inbox

For 6 months!

Total of 24 meditations plus a few bonuses!

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “The meditations were easy to do and follow. It was surprising how pleasant and peaceful I felt afterwards. My productivity increased and I felt more at ease during my day. I began realizing I was no longer over-reacting when I encountered stressful situations. ”

    Owner & CEO

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I was very skeptical of meditation. Yet I know all the high performers, and people doing great things, they all meditate. I wanted to experience that myself. It has been a pleasant surprise. ”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I just love her voice! It's so soothing and comforting. It was easy to follow along. I find myself being more peaceful, and less reactive to the world around me. I'm so grateful!”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I was a bit resistant to do the meditations, but I wanted to improve my performance. So I committed to doing it. And WOW! Over time, I realized that I was calmer, more grounded, and better able to focus. I access performance states easier and bounced back from challenges must faster. I also noticed I was just happier and more chill in my daily life. Everyone should do this program!”

    College Athlete


I started meditating on and off almost 20 years ago! But I was never really consistent with the practice until about 4 years ago. After a severe injury and a diagnosis of an autoimmune disorder, that had left me disabled for 3 years, I realized I needed to change my life in many ways. 

I committed to meditating every morning and evening as part of the changes I made. 

Meditation has changed my life for the better in so many ways!

I am more patient, loving, compassionate, empathic, tolerant, resilient and MUCH LESS ruffled when things don't go as planned. I experience a greater degree of connection, joy, creativity & meaning in my life that I believe meditation has been the key. 

I'm now committed to sharing this transformation with as many people as possible!


And just in case you'd want to know more about my credentials etc: I'm a licensed high performance psychologist, intuitive business & leadership mentor. 

You can visit either of my websites:

www.synapsecounseling.com or


Get in touch!

Please give us a little background regarding what your current challenges or goals are and how we might be able to support you. Please be sure you include your phone number and email address. Thank you!