Consultation/ Mastermind Groups for Practitioners, Healers & Coaches



As practitioners, healers, therapists and coaches, no matter how much training we have received or how much experience we have, having a group of colleagues with whom you can continue to process some of your most challenging cases, discuss transference, counter-transference, business challenges and personal growth issues is invaluable. Unfortunately such groups and opportunities are rare.

We are offering you the opportunity to join one of two consultation groups based on your level of expertise and the level your business / practice is at, so we can provide you with the best and most appropriate resources and tools. 



This group is for NEW practitioners and coaches who are just starting their practice or who have been doing it for less than 2 years. 

We will support you as you integrate your new skills, or transition from another career into practicing as a coach, teacher, mentor or therapist.

We will provide you with templates for disclosure forms, new client forms, questionnaires, etc, and share resources and technology of how to set up your practice so it's easy to manage for both you and your clients!

We will focus on 5 MAIN AREAS:
    • This is the MOST important aspect of your growth and your business. The biggest thing that stops practitioners from being successful in their business is not strategy or "know how" but it's mindset. It's the negative beliefs that we carry about who we are and what we are capable of doing, it's the internal "unconscious" structure we set up, our failure /success patterns, and the ways in which we sabotage taking the most aligned action. We help you clear limiting beliefs, past baggage and help you connect to your own inner knowing and confidence. 
    • We will discuss specific strategies of how to set up your business so you can thrive, how to create successful structures, share resources, and discuss the nuts and bolts of setting up websites, registering businesses, creating marketing campaigns, etc. 
    • This will be your opportunity to discuss the particular skills you are integrating and development, to process through transference and counter-transference. How you are being stretched and growing, lessons you want to integrate, looking at your own patterns and how they impact your work with clients and doing the "tasks" you need to be successful in your business. 
    • You will have an opportunity to discuss client cases or issues that show up in your clients, as well as getting clarity on some legal / ethical issues that may come up as you start your practice. 
    • You will be given access to my course "INTUITIVE ADVANTAGE"so you can learn more about your intuition, how to connect to it, an we will discuss how you use it when working with people. 

We will meet twice a month for 90 minutes to discuss cases, personal development issues, integration issues, legal and ethical issues as well as business building strategies, etc. 

The commitment for this group is 12-months and the investment is $498 a month. 

This is really such a small financial investment into something that will pay dividends 10 fold. It will save you TIME, MONEY, FRUSTRATION, AND FAILURE, since you will be supported to grow and not have to re-invent the wheel and fail your way through. Plus, it's tax deductible!

The Spark Group meets every other Wednesday Evening 4:30-6:00 pm MDT

Cost for the group is $498 a month

The group will be limited in size.

We seek to create groups that will be cohesive and impactful for every one involved.

You must apply for a spot for this group. 

We are currently taking applications for this group.   


We will review your application and IF you are accepted, then you will be asked to complete your registration and payment prior to the start of the group. 

Remember you can't create new results if you continue doing what you've always done. 

We look forward to receiving your application!



Upon registering, you will get immediate access to our Intuitive Advantage course, that was designed specifically to help you connect/ enhance your intuition, identify specific ways in which you get guidance, and also learn how to enhance the intuitive pathways in your body. 

We also help you connect to the energy of play and how this aids your intuitive abilities and how to learn to "read" not just your intuitive guidance, but also identify information for others. 

It includes course content, worksheets, practical exercises, meditations, and Q & A's with our past students. 

It is one of the most powerful and fun courses, I co-created with my friend Jean Berry, who is a healer, business coach, and amazing artist (her artwork is in the cover, fyi). 

Course Cover

3 Hr Workshop on Setting Your Business Up for Success!

My friend Jean Berry and I created this powerful workshop for our mastermind that outlined all the things to AVOID doing so you don't make the same mistakes we did, and focusing on all of SPECIFIC THINGS TO DO to have your business be successful and flowing. 

Our members loved it and found it incredibly valuable, and you will get access to it, to consume at your own pace, and to come back to as many times as you need!

Stages of Business Development Blueprint:

The strategies that you use to "start" your business, will not be effective to "grow" it, or to "massively expand" it. 

Receive a step-by-step guide of what to expect at each level of business development, what are the challenges you need to be prepared for, and what are the SPECIFIC TASKS AND STEPS you need to accomplish based on your stage of business. 

This will be a blueprint you can come back to again and again as you grow your business. 

Submit Your Application Today!
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Ignite Group

This group is mostly for coaches, practitioners, healers and therapists who have been running their business for more than 2 years and are wanting to GROW their income, their influence and business, or ADD additional offerings to their programs. 

Whether you are wanting to add an online course, run groups, start retreats, or simply elevate the level of how you are serving and making a difference in your clients or you know you want a greater degree of support or accountability in growing bigger this is your opportunity to get a community of like-minded practitioners who can share in the woes, the joys and the transformations of serving the world through your gifts!

We will focus on 5 MAIN AREAS:
    • This is the MOST important aspect of your growth and your business. The biggest thing that stops practitioners from being successful in their business is not strategy or "know how" but it's mindset. It's the negative beliefs that we carry about who we are and what we are capable of doing, it's the internal "unconscious" structure we set up, our failure /success patterns, and the ways in which we sabotage taking the most aligned action. We help you clear limiting beliefs, past baggage and help you connect to your own inner knowing and confidence. Often we create a particular "ceiling" to what we think we are able to accomplish, create, or receive in terms of financial abundance or ease, this is your change to let go of these so you can STEP UP TO YOUR NEXT LEVEL OF GREATNESS AND IMPACT!
    • We will discuss specific strategies of how to set up your business so you can thrive, how to create successful structures, share resources, and discuss the nuts and bolts of setting up websites, registering businesses, creating marketing campaigns, etc. 
    • We will focus on more advanced business strategy and marketing, we will understand the business levels of development and what strategies you need to implement at each level, and how you can begin hiring others, creating a team and setting a success structure moving forward!
    • This is about you identifying what is your next level of development as a practitioner and leader. Understanding the lessons you want to integrate, how you need to keep growing /stretching, looking at your own patterns and how they impact your work with clients and doing the "tasks" you need to be successful in your business. 
    • You will have an opportunity to discuss client cases or issues that show up in your clients, as well as getting clarity on some legal / ethical issues that may come up as you work with more and more complicated clients, or how these show up as you grow your team/business.
    • You will be given access to my course "INTUITIVE ADVANTAGE"so you can learn more about your intuition, how to connect to it, an we will discuss how you use it when working with people. 

We will meet twice a month for 90 minutes to discuss cases, personal development issues, integration issues, legal and ethical issues as well as business building strategies, etc. 

The commitment for this group is 12-months and the investment is $498 a month. 

This is really such a small financial investment into something that will pay dividends 10 fold. It will save you TIME, MONEY, FRUSTRATION, AND FAILURE, since you will be supported to grow and not have to re-invent the wheel and fail your way through!

The Ignite Group meets every other Wednesday Evening 4:30-6:00 pm MDT

Cost for the group is $498 a month

The group will be limited in size. 

You must apply for a spot for this group.

We are currently taking applications for this group.   


We will review your application and IF you are accepted, then you will be asked to complete your registration and payment prior to the start of the group. 

Remember you can't create new results if you continue doing what you've always done. 

We look forward to receiving your application!


Thank you for your message! We will be in touch soon.